On a Mac ... (or: Technology Fails Samer)
Samer refuses to blog anymore (me thinks he doth protest too much) but since he has found a new love his fan(s) is getting used to experiencing the world through Samer's eyes not from petty rants but pretty much through his actual eyes.
So why is Samer's last Flickr photo from Sept. 19?
An exclusive peepsNet investigation has uncovered the unspeakable truth: Samer's iBook -- a Mac! -- just stopped working.
Did a PC.
Had a Windows Moment.
Took a ride on the Gates-ville Local.
To make matters worse, Samer had a heck of a time getting the thing serviced since only people with Pro accounts can reserve Genius Bar time other than today, and today always seems to be booked, even mere seconds after reservations for today are accepted. Stupid Pro Account yuppies strutting their stuff, no doubt.
Samer managed to get some pity care when he showed up at the Apple store at the open and even then there was not a slot to be had. A sympathetic clerk let him cut the virtual line. This may be a tribute to Apple's commitment to customer care or it might just be this: what would you do if a guy that looked like Samer showed up with a "laptop" that couldn't be turned on and he started to get a little irate? Check the TSA handbook if you have any doubts.
Samer reports that "with any luck, I'll have it back in the middle of the week" and that he has a backlog of more than 250 pictures, of which very few will likely meet his exacting standards and be uploaded to Flickr.
But he already has some favorites. "The ones of a hawk in a cemetery are very cool," he assures.
Cemetery pictures. Lets see -- what does the TSA manual say about that ...
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