Tuesday, September 11, 2007

[19:21] Samer: I have an 8GB iPhone in front of me

Originally uploaded by Samer Farha

These words aren't exactly "That's one small step for man, one giant leap for mankind" -- but they are close.

They have met Samer's price, and only part of that was reducing the retail of the first generation iPhone by $200. The deal maker was the release and verification of a free unlock, which lets the iPhone buyer spit in the general direction of ATT's two-year contract and Steve's hard-wired SIM.

For some of us (ahem) this development comes too late. While the Jesus Phone wasn't important enough for some of us to lose sleep and dignity over, waiting on a line outside the Apple Store with guys who have never kissed a girl, it was too important to wait for the Neo to crack The Matrix. This was especially true for those of us whose mobile phone just died out of nowhere (really) and you can't go a day without coverage because that's when the Big Call you've been waiting for all your life will come. But we digress.

peepsNet, which has already benefited greatly from Samer's general Mac expertise and specific pre-ownership iPhone interest, expects great things to be discovered now that the boy wonder has one in his mitts.

You can start by porting VNC and building an IM client that works in the background and notifies even when not in focus. If it isn't too much trouble.

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