Thursday, August 31, 2006

Second City Mike

No. This isn't Mike, even on a bad day. This is Mike.

Well, it looks like Mike has been doing some traveling, and the paparazzi of peepsNet were there to chronicle what we are sure he would have preferred to be an under-the-radar trip to the Windy City -- so difficult for today's celebrity authors.

OK, ok. He posted some pictures on Flickr and I am ignoring the copyright. So sue me. Actually, please sue me. peepsNeet could use the publicity.

Anyway, as soon as our sources determine the exact nature of Mike's trip and how many clubs he hopped with Paris, peepsNet will publish these facts without fear or favor.

And since Chicago is also known as "Beirut on Lake" peepsNet can't help but wonder when Samer will be going.

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