Tuesday, September 04, 2007

ghettoManga: i got your Superwoman...

Mike gets a nice review at ghettoManga.

Blogger Samax says he's read all three of Mike's SouthSide Nefertiti books and has seen his growth, especially since relinquishing drawing responsibilities and concentrating on the writing.

"every now and then, a book which started out as a good idea with not-so-great execution starts to catch up to its potential.
Southside Nefertiti (Type Illy Press) is JUST such a book homie!! in its defense, i've been reading the adventures of single mom/college student/superhero Nefertiti Jones for some time now... and series creator Mike Sales is one hell of a great writer... but he also drew the book, which was holding his writing back. like many indie cats, his art was passionate and distinct, but not up to the level it would take to do his skillfull writing justice..."

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