Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Letters to the peepsNet Ombudsman

Dear peepsNet ombudsman,

I'm all about a shrinking world wrought by the digital revolution but at heart I'm a pretty provincial guy. Can you arrange to have Nicole's latest article, about that neighborhood in San Francisco, published on my local newspaper's web site?

Mike in Raleigh

Dear Mike,

No problem. Here it is. And tell your like-minded friends in Boston they don't have to cruise to far-flung servers either.

The peepsNet Ombudsman
"It's all about you."


Dear peepsNet Ombudsman,

His work is good and all but some of us actually take pictures for a living and kinda resent all the attention Samer is getting with his DCist play. Any chance you can cut back on the articles about him and leave a little air in the room?

Rich in Portland

Dear Rich,


The peepsNet Ombudsman
"It's all about you."


Dear peepsNet Ombudsman

I may be wrong about this, but it seems like you only write about the same 6 people over and over again. People tell me I'm pretty interesting -- is there any chance you can do an article about me? You could talk me into an interview (wink wink) and I don't look half bad these days on TV.

OBL in ?????

Dear OBL,

Am I mistaken or did you an advice column for our sister publication? Frankly, we were disappointed that you couldn't come to terms on a renewal, but, hey, I also thought Hell would freeze over before CNN walked away from Reuters.

I don't really know how to answer your question. Our subjects generally beg us to stop writing about them. We've never been actually invited to cover anything. We'll have to think about this and get back to you.

The peepsNet Ombudsman
"It's all about you."

1 comment:

nicole said...

oh, throw the guy a bone ... ;)