- Not enough about you here?
- Want to set the record straight?
- Is it payback time?
- Then just submit a story idea to peepsNet!
Friday, September 21, 2007
Wednesday, September 19, 2007
If You Want Her, She'll Be In The Closet
We wonder if Nicole needs to phone ahead for reservations anymore, or if Barry Bonds wants to be photographed with her, or if it's starting to get a little creepy for Gavin Newsome to keep dropping by because "I just happened to be in the neighborhood?"
Not that we think she should stop writing. And neither does the Chron, which today publishes Nicole's latest column about life as a renter in San Francisco. We can't get enough of these. So keep it up. And just tell the mayor when he drunk dials you that you can't hear the doorbell in your closet. Office.
Posted by
11:03 AM
Labels: nicole, san francisco chronicle
Friday, September 14, 2007
Fare Card, Dave?
How May We Help You? Originally uploaded by Samer Farha.
More DCist love for Samer.
When we saw this, we were immediately struck by how this image evoked HAL 9000 from "2001: A Space Odyssey," even down to the colors and brightness. Amazing. But we were not alone -- a previous commenter on this picture at flickr made the same observation, first.
This is a great example of how the eye and brain of a true photographer work. Here is something that tens of thousands of people see every day, but this capture seems unique -- special.
On the other hand, maybe nobody has taken this before because there is never nobody in the shot. There is always some poor soul struggling to get one of these machines to do what it is told, fighting to prevail.
Hmmm ... perhaps they are HAL.
A view of HAL 9000's Brain Room in the Discovery.
Posted by
11:02 AM
Thursday, September 13, 2007
On T-Mobile
On T-Mobile Originally uploaded by Samer Farha.
Samer has now taken control of his iPhone and has provided photographic proof.
In his words:
"Look at the top left of this screen capture from my iPhone. "T-Mobile" it says! And I've got Edge working on it, too. It rocks.
"I used the free iPhone Dev Team solution and did it from an SSH session to the phone. It was a bit nerve wracking as it takes approximately forever to do its thing, but it worked. Like a charm."
Posted by
10:08 AM
Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Letters to the peepsNet Ombudsman
Dear peepsNet ombudsman,
I'm all about a shrinking world wrought by the digital revolution but at heart I'm a pretty provincial guy. Can you arrange to have Nicole's latest article, about that neighborhood in San Francisco, published on my local newspaper's web site?
Mike in Raleigh
Dear Mike,
No problem. Here it is. And tell your like-minded friends in Boston they don't have to cruise to far-flung servers either.
The peepsNet Ombudsman
"It's all about you."
Dear peepsNet Ombudsman,
His work is good and all but some of us actually take pictures for a living and kinda resent all the attention Samer is getting with his DCist play. Any chance you can cut back on the articles about him and leave a little air in the room?
Rich in Portland
Dear Rich,
The peepsNet Ombudsman
"It's all about you."
Dear peepsNet Ombudsman
I may be wrong about this, but it seems like you only write about the same 6 people over and over again. People tell me I'm pretty interesting -- is there any chance you can do an article about me? You could talk me into an interview (wink wink) and I don't look half bad these days on TV.
OBL in ?????
Dear OBL,
Am I mistaken or did you an advice column for our sister publication? Frankly, we were disappointed that you couldn't come to terms on a renewal, but, hey, I also thought Hell would freeze over before CNN walked away from Reuters.
I don't really know how to answer your question. Our subjects generally beg us to stop writing about them. We've never been actually invited to cover anything. We'll have to think about this and get back to you.
The peepsNet Ombudsman
"It's all about you."
Posted by
10:59 AM
Labels: nicole
DCist: Morning Roundup: Six Years Later Edition
Originally uploaded by Samer Farha
DCIst staff photographer (he isn't?) Samer scores again with Morning Roundup: Six Years Later Edition.
I think he needs a challenge. He should start shooting exclusively with an iPhone.
Posted by
6:34 AM
Tuesday, September 11, 2007
[19:21] Samer: I have an 8GB iPhone in front of me
Originally uploaded by Samer Farha
They have met Samer's price, and only part of that was reducing the retail of the first generation iPhone by $200. The deal maker was the release and verification of a free unlock, which lets the iPhone buyer spit in the general direction of ATT's two-year contract and Steve's hard-wired SIM.
For some of us (ahem) this development comes too late. While the Jesus Phone wasn't important enough for some of us to lose sleep and dignity over, waiting on a line outside the Apple Store with guys who have never kissed a girl, it was too important to wait for the Neo to crack The Matrix. This was especially true for those of us whose mobile phone just died out of nowhere (really) and you can't go a day without coverage because that's when the Big Call you've been waiting for all your life will come. But we digress.
peepsNet, which has already benefited greatly from Samer's general Mac expertise and specific pre-ownership iPhone interest, expects great things to be discovered now that the boy wonder has one in his mitts.
You can start by porting VNC and building an IM client that works in the background and notifies even when not in focus. If it isn't too much trouble.
Posted by
8:16 PM
Tuesday, September 04, 2007
ghettoManga: i got your Superwoman...
Mike gets a nice review at ghettoManga.
Blogger Samax says he's read all three of Mike's SouthSide Nefertiti books and has seen his growth, especially since relinquishing drawing responsibilities and concentrating on the writing.
"every now and then, a book which started out as a good idea with not-so-great execution starts to catch up to its potential.Southside Nefertiti (Type Illy Press) is JUST such a book homie!! in its defense, i've been reading the adventures of single mom/college student/superhero Nefertiti Jones for some time now... and series creator Mike Sales is one hell of a great writer... but he also drew the book, which was holding his writing back. like many indie cats, his art was passionate and distinct, but not up to the level it would take to do his skillfull writing justice..."
Posted by
3:25 PM
Saturday, September 01, 2007
Apparently You Can Go Home Again
peepsNet did not see this one coming, which makes it an extra delicious treat.
How better than to start off a new month than a little Nicole read?
Posted by
1:43 PM
Labels: nicole, san francisco chronicle