Saturday, September 02, 2006

Maybe You Can't, but the Cover Does Help

Well, some people know how the game is played ...

Yes, the SWAG is starting to pour in but make no mistake, dear readers -- peepsNet cannot be bought unless the price is right.

Our friend Bob Crooke has shared with us what might have been called in a gentler time the "galley" of his soon-to-be-completed novel, Sunrise. But these days the "shop around" version actually looks like a book, the better perhaps to penetrate the thick skulls of some bigshots who probably can't decide whether the writing is any good unless-- hint! hint! -- it is already printed and bound. Possibly by another publisher. Perhaps the one the author went to when you passed.

Works here too. See, now I can publish a picture like this and say ... "I was reading the New York Times and saw this new book Sunrise ... ". Not that peepsNet would stoop to such subterfuge. Not for a lousy pre-publication copy with not even a dead-president "bookmark."

On the other hand, peepsNet is truly touched that Bob has shared his new baby with us, and we are honored that we most possess what may be the only copy not in the hands of a someone who can actually do him some good. Need proof? Here is the peepsNet technorati ranking.

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