Thursday, August 31, 2006

NicSpiriting Away?

Off the record, peepsNet hears that Nicole is on the verge of changing jobs. Something more suited to her career goals and a position which doesn't require pandering to a dim-witted, mercurial boss who is her intellectual inferior. She had enough of that at Reuters, for heaven's sake.

Details are sketchy, and we are loathe to name the prospective employer -- but believe us, peepsNet knows! Apparently all terms have not yet been agreed to, but peepsNet would be surprised if the bottom were to fall out of this move, especially after a 90-minute (carumba) interview.

One of the bennies, we hear, is that this new job is a mere five minute walk from Miss Katy, which just goes to show what a small world blah blah blah! Since Nicole is a marathoner what we're saying is that they can hook up before Katy hangs up the phone.

For the record, that picture is not of Nicole running to meet with Katy, but well on the way towards finishing the 2005 Marine Corps Marathon.

Second City Mike

No. This isn't Mike, even on a bad day. This is Mike.

Well, it looks like Mike has been doing some traveling, and the paparazzi of peepsNet were there to chronicle what we are sure he would have preferred to be an under-the-radar trip to the Windy City -- so difficult for today's celebrity authors.

OK, ok. He posted some pictures on Flickr and I am ignoring the copyright. So sue me. Actually, please sue me. peepsNeet could use the publicity.

Anyway, as soon as our sources determine the exact nature of Mike's trip and how many clubs he hopped with Paris, peepsNet will publish these facts without fear or favor.

And since Chicago is also known as "Beirut on Lake" peepsNet can't help but wonder when Samer will be going.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

Miss Katy

Mike (L) and Katy (R). No relevance here (imagine the odds) -- I just love this shot. And the picture on "Second City Mike" isn't really Mike, so I felt he was being kinda cheated, you know?

peepsNet is going to have to find out what's happnin' with the first of the "Just Say No to Toronto" alum to re-enter decent society, who found work in San Francisco so fast it made us all wonder if she really was just a mole for MarketWatch the whole time, stealing our trade secrets.

That's right, that's right -- we had trade secrets.

peepsNet has been extremely remiss about keeping up with Miss Katy, and although our staff has heard many details of the single girl's life in the big city our code of conduct forbids us from printing hearsay, rumor or innuendo unless it is really, really cool stuff.

Where For Art Thou, Res-Man?

I know he's still alive because I keep getting calls from people asking me just how fantastic he is.

Borderline indescribable.
A prince among men.
A man so in love with his wife he likens 20 years of marriage to 20 minutes -- under water.

But if anyone hears from him let him know that peepsNet will not be ignored. peepsNet will resort to making up bad things if necessary, or worse -- start telling the truth.

Outsource Me, Will You!

Mike, a victim -- or is that beneficiary? -- of outsourcing, is a very quick study.

peepsNet hears that the author/illustrator and force behind TYPE ILLY PRESS has found such success in publishing that he has to hire other artists to finish his work, the better to concentrate on marketing and creating and not sweat the details.

Of course regular peepsNet readers already know about his fantastic write up in the Raleigh News & Observer.

Monday? Again!?

Rich answers the burning question, "Why do I like where I live?", by sending us this link.

For the record, peepsNet didn't ask. But still, very cool move taking the initiative, Mr. Clement. You have made a powerful friend in peepsNet. Next time, though, some dish on somebody else would be nice.

In the meantime, take a bow.

Author! Author!

Author, friend and former colleague (not necessarily in that order) Bob Crooke has a new web site to promote the brand.

Crooke, author of American Family, is in the advanced stages of completing his second novel, Sunrise.

Speak, Rissoto

The pace is quickening at Nicole's culinary blog. Sources also tell peepsNet that lots of writing is going on there in the City by the Bay.

cucina nicolina has three new entries this month, and four this summer.

The latest recounts a weekend camping trip where the challenge was to make a gourmet meal. peepsNet is now about to make the same joke for the third time, which is far short of our goal of beating it to death:

"She eats better in the wild than I do at home."

Thank you, and don't forget your waitresses.

Because of technical difficulties (ahem) there are no pictures accompanying Nicole's prose, which makes peepsNet's dime-store blog light-years advanced. But her collecton can be seen here.

Samer Trades Up

Samer has pulled the trigger on a new camera equal to his photographic talents -- a Canon EOS Digital Rebel XT.

Samer knows a lot about pixels and compression and what JPEG stands for, and you would think that a person with such geek credentials wouldn't know or care about the artistic.

You would be wrong.