Wednesday, November 21, 2007

Quinoa Update

Fortunately, peepsNet has no rules about how many times it can write about the same thing. How could we, since we only write about the same five (or two) people. No Martian problem for us: the world consists of Nicole and Samer (necessarily in that order), some other people whose names escape me, and Samer and Nicole (not necessarily in that order).

Which brings us to the new crop of quinoa. Well, it's the old crop, and it has cropped up again as the #2 emailed story on three weeks after its original pub date. She's already done radio to explain the gravity-defying phenomenon of this seed (not a grain, as EVERYBODY knows) which can save the world, so can TV be far behind?

People: there's a writer's strike. You guys need content. It's either a reality show about cage-fighting between Survivor All-Stars and The Biggest Losers, or Nicole. Think about it. Shouldn't be taking that long.

Our theory is that many people are considering Nicole's Quinoa Stuffed Peppers as part of their Thanksgiving fare (that's called "Interpretive Reporting" for you civilians. Not "Making It Up" journalism. Definitely not).

Btw, you can email the story here.

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