Monday, November 05, 2007

Radio Primps the Internet Star

Saturday afternoon Originally uploaded by nicspir.

Nicole has conquered yet another medium with a guest shot this morning on NPR's "Bryant Park Project."

Nicole appeared in the segment about the most emailed stuff. Regular peepsNet readers already know that "Quinoa, a Sacred, Super Crop" has been #1 on pretty much since it was posted last week.

That's right. It isn't even an NPR story. It has nothing to do with the deteriorating situation in Pakistan. Nary a presidential candidate is mentioned in it.

Host Luke Burbank called the story "A love letter to quinoa" and then turned all Tim Russert with an opening question geared at knocking Nicole off stride -- at 5:17 a.m. PT no less, basically the time she usually just gets to go to sleep after a long night of replying to fan mail: "So, what is so great about quinoa, anyway!" he lashed out (well, that's what it sounded like).

An unperturbed Nicole chuckled and replied with the poise of a veteran that quinoa tastes good and is easy to make. Take that, Luke Skywalker. She then turned the tables and, speaking directly to the NPR universe, postulated that this amazing food could feed the world. What have you done for the world lately?

Check out the podcast, on iTunes or from this NPR page. Nicole's segment begins at about the 1:19 mark.

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