My Peeps
My Peeps Originally uploaded by John C Abell.
When I find the creep who's horning in on my action -- watch out!
Where I continue to invade the privacy of people who used to work for me (and other worthy types)
When I find the creep who's horning in on my action -- watch out!
Posted by
1:20 PM
Just in time for Thanksgiving, Nicole has revealed her secrets to throwing a dinner party for 15 people in a 6 x 8 room with a table that seats six and chairs for only seven. For her next trick ...
It's a bit of a departure for her Home & Garden column in The Chron (it tops the "Home" section) because not all of the advice is entirely serious.
I've always thought that, but have never had the guts to say it out loud.
Consider moving: While we're on the subject of dishes, it's perfectly acceptable to move to a new apartment solely on the basis of its having a dishwasher.
That is downright Galloping Gourmet.
Make sure there's enough wine: This is most important, as it ensures you'll laugh off any kitchen disasters and that you'll sail through the cleanup without a care at the end of the evening.
And even if they all do show up, you have all that wine to sail through finding them all plates without a care.
Prepare for last-minute RSVPs: If your beautiful wooden dining table is large enough to sit six, perhaps it would be wise to ask just six, rather than 10, guests to the feast.
Anyway, I think our hostess is playing a support role this year, so you won't find her in the kitchen quite as much. But I'm sure there will be plenty of wine.
Posted by
2:02 AM
Labels: nicole, san francisco chronicle, thanksgiving
Fortunately, peepsNet has no rules about how many times it can write about the same thing. How could we, since we only write about the same five (or two) people. No Martian problem for us: the world consists of Nicole and Samer (necessarily in that order), some other people whose names escape me, and Samer and Nicole (not necessarily in that order).
Which brings us to the new crop of quinoa. Well, it's the old crop, and it has cropped up again as the #2 emailed story on three weeks after its original pub date. She's already done radio to explain the gravity-defying phenomenon of this seed (not a grain, as EVERYBODY knows) which can save the world, so can TV be far behind?
People: there's a writer's strike. You guys need content. It's either a reality show about cage-fighting between Survivor All-Stars and The Biggest Losers, or Nicole. Think about it. Shouldn't be taking that long.
Our theory is that many people are considering Nicole's Quinoa Stuffed Peppers as part of their Thanksgiving fare (that's called "Interpretive Reporting" for you civilians. Not "Making It Up" journalism. Definitely not).
Btw, you can email the story here.
Posted by
10:22 AM
Amazing. I used that line in an entirely different context with Nancy just tonight ...
Anyway -- getting a picture published every day or so on DCist isn't uncommon anymore for the boy wonder -- oh no.
Perhaps Samer has become distraught with the deafening inattention peepsNet has given him, what with all those snaps that get picked up by the hip DC site making the phenomenon of his pictures getting picked up by the hip DC site decidedly un-newsworthy, by definition.
So he's kicked it up a notch. Here is the official tweet, timing in at 2014 ET:
A twofer on DCist, today: Photo of the Day ( and About Tonight ('s at the top, the other at the bottom.
Posted by
10:27 PM
Labels: dcist, photography, samer
Nicole has conquered yet another medium with a guest shot this morning on NPR's "Bryant Park Project."
Nicole appeared in the segment about the most emailed stuff. Regular peepsNet readers already know that "Quinoa, a Sacred, Super Crop" has been #1 on pretty much since it was posted last week.
That's right. It isn't even an NPR story. It has nothing to do with the deteriorating situation in Pakistan. Nary a presidential candidate is mentioned in it.
Host Luke Burbank called the story "A love letter to quinoa" and then turned all Tim Russert with an opening question geared at knocking Nicole off stride -- at 5:17 a.m. PT no less, basically the time she usually just gets to go to sleep after a long night of replying to fan mail: "So, what is so great about quinoa, anyway!" he lashed out (well, that's what it sounded like).
An unperturbed Nicole chuckled and replied with the poise of a veteran that quinoa tastes good and is easy to make. Take that, Luke Skywalker. She then turned the tables and, speaking directly to the NPR universe, postulated that this amazing food could feed the world. What have you done for the world lately?
Check out the podcast, on iTunes or from this NPR page. Nicole's segment begins at about the 1:19 mark.
Posted by
8:38 AM
It's official.
Nicole's Quinoa article on is the number-one emailed in the past 24 hours.
There might be another bit of great news coming from the publication of this article, peepsNet has learned. Watch this space.
Posted by
12:45 PM
Really. Nicole has had excellent play on substantial dead-tree publications like the San Francisco Chronicle and the New York Times (and their digital entities as well, of course) but today's article on looks really, really pretty.
It could be the bitchin' pictures Nicole took. It could be that the recipes are tantalizing (peepsNet is making the peppers this week). It could be that this is the first food story she has been paid for, after giving away the store for free over at cucinanicolina for so long.
But we don't care. We just like it. Really, really.
Posted by
2:25 PM
More great notice for Mike, at AsOneNational, a national website that highlights and advocates for black businesses of note.
TYPE ILLY PRESS is turning the page on the next generation of comic books.
TYPE ILLY PRESS lays out a masterful comic strip featuring ethnic characters in the ultimate battle for survival from the everyday problems that plague our society.
Posted by
4:06 PM
Labels: mike, southside nefertiti
Rich comes up for air long enough to tell peepsNet that he has carved out a comfortable freelancer's existence and that Maureen is working on a book that is just about ready to be pitched.
He is shooting up a storm for a wide variety of clients, our man in Portland (Ore.) reports, including Reuters and Bloomberg. Apologies to Rich if this is the first time these competing agencies have learned of his mercenary lack of fealty. You have to say "off the record" right off the bat.
Rich says his description of Maureen's book doesn't do it justice. But his take -- that it is "sort of a yogic philosophical look at nostalgia and how we remember those events from our youth and what they mean" -- sounds plenty fascinating to me, so the truth can only be better.
We remind Maureen that peepsNet employs an ombudsman, who would love to hear from her. Or we can sort this out at the Politics & Prose reading.
Here is the money quote from his despatch:
"our cat is freaking nuts! she's 18 y-o and after she eats, she stands in the bedroom howling at unseen entities. just being a cat..."Wrong. This is what Samer does every time he drinks.
You want worms. Red ones. Lots of them. Trust me.
Nicole's latest Chronicle column answers the question that loomed large when she wrote two months ago about gardening in your apartment: where you gonna get all that rich dirt you need to grow tomatoes on your window sill?
The answer is worms. About 1,000 will do.
They don't take up much space, you don't have to clean up after them (that is kind of the point) and they subsist on a diet of vegan scraps that, in San Francisco, would otherwise become part of the three tons of used food collected every day and processed at a commercial compost facility outside Vacaville (love the sound of that town's name).
If you are in Bay area check out the the print version of Nicole's article, which is framable, we hear -- it takes up the whole back page of the House and Garden section, on page on F - 8.
Posted by
3:22 PM
Labels: chronicle, composting, nicole, san francisco chronicle
Samer has begun to market his photos at Etsy, a e-commerce site that lets anyone sell their wares in the same empowering way eBay has turned everyone into an auctioneer.
Not much to see there yet, but since peepsNet was given a preview of Samer's portfolio we can say with great authority, though not for the record, that there are many more great shots to come at FarhaFoto (wonder why he didn't go with PharhaPhoto, which would have been really Phat).
Bookmark the page, but even better: Subscribe here.
On a housekeeping note: We are, of course, too lazy to check the archives and see if we have used this headline before, although we are almost certain we have. Can you plagiarize yourself?
Posted by
1:22 PM
Labels: photography, samer
Well, her site is anyway. No reason to tamper with perfection.
After a long period of contemplation and the press of higher priorities has undergone a complete makeover (no way was I going to use that word in the headline.)
Gone is the iconic picture in the borrowed shirt, replaced with a graceful headshot (used here without permission, as usual).
Speaking of photos, the landing page is a nicely staged shot of one of Nicole's many SF Chron articles -- you know she has a monthly column there called "Common Walls?"
But our favorite page is "clips." There are lots and lots of them, and room for more. Get on it, girl!
Posted by
1:10 PM
Labels: chronicle, nicole, photography, san francisco chronicle, work, writing
On the theory that you just can't know enough about Nicole and the reality that peepsNet is too lazy to do any enterprise reporting, we invite you to surf on over to The Perfect Pantry and read up on what "the passionate cook behind the stove at Cucina Nicolina" likes to read up on.
She's got a birthday coming up (not A Big One, no, not until Next Year) but, who knows, you might get an idea or two about what the girl is into if you haven't yet bought that present yet.
We know this is all only about Nicole's shameless attempt to promote her blog, and we applaud her for it.
Hey -- we hear that a redesign in the offing @ About time.
Posted by
3:01 PM
Samer scores a double today with another DCist "Picture of the Day" and a Flickr explore (#15 and counting)!
Posted by
3:17 PM
Posted by
4:38 PM
Labels: michaelknudross
We wonder if Nicole needs to phone ahead for reservations anymore, or if Barry Bonds wants to be photographed with her, or if it's starting to get a little creepy for Gavin Newsome to keep dropping by because "I just happened to be in the neighborhood?"
Not that we think she should stop writing. And neither does the Chron, which today publishes Nicole's latest column about life as a renter in San Francisco. We can't get enough of these. So keep it up. And just tell the mayor when he drunk dials you that you can't hear the doorbell in your closet. Office.
Posted by
11:03 AM
Labels: nicole, san francisco chronicle
More DCist love for Samer.
When we saw this, we were immediately struck by how this image evoked HAL 9000 from "2001: A Space Odyssey," even down to the colors and brightness. Amazing. But we were not alone -- a previous commenter on this picture at flickr made the same observation, first.
This is a great example of how the eye and brain of a true photographer work. Here is something that tens of thousands of people see every day, but this capture seems unique -- special.
On the other hand, maybe nobody has taken this before because there is never nobody in the shot. There is always some poor soul struggling to get one of these machines to do what it is told, fighting to prevail.
Hmmm ... perhaps they are HAL.
A view of HAL 9000's Brain Room in the Discovery.
Posted by
11:02 AM
Samer has now taken control of his iPhone and has provided photographic proof.
In his words:
"Look at the top left of this screen capture from my iPhone. "T-Mobile" it says! And I've got Edge working on it, too. It rocks.
"I used the free iPhone Dev Team solution and did it from an SSH session to the phone. It was a bit nerve wracking as it takes approximately forever to do its thing, but it worked. Like a charm."
Posted by
10:08 AM
Dear peepsNet ombudsman,
I'm all about a shrinking world wrought by the digital revolution but at heart I'm a pretty provincial guy. Can you arrange to have Nicole's latest article, about that neighborhood in San Francisco, published on my local newspaper's web site?
Mike in Raleigh
Dear Mike,
No problem. Here it is. And tell your like-minded friends in Boston they don't have to cruise to far-flung servers either.
The peepsNet Ombudsman
"It's all about you."
Dear peepsNet Ombudsman,
His work is good and all but some of us actually take pictures for a living and kinda resent all the attention Samer is getting with his DCist play. Any chance you can cut back on the articles about him and leave a little air in the room?
Rich in Portland
Dear Rich,
The peepsNet Ombudsman
"It's all about you."
Dear peepsNet Ombudsman
I may be wrong about this, but it seems like you only write about the same 6 people over and over again. People tell me I'm pretty interesting -- is there any chance you can do an article about me? You could talk me into an interview (wink wink) and I don't look half bad these days on TV.
OBL in ?????
Dear OBL,
Am I mistaken or did you an advice column for our sister publication? Frankly, we were disappointed that you couldn't come to terms on a renewal, but, hey, I also thought Hell would freeze over before CNN walked away from Reuters.
I don't really know how to answer your question. Our subjects generally beg us to stop writing about them. We've never been actually invited to cover anything. We'll have to think about this and get back to you.
The peepsNet Ombudsman
"It's all about you."
Posted by
10:59 AM
Labels: nicole
Posted by
6:34 AM
Posted by
8:16 PM
Mike gets a nice review at ghettoManga.
Blogger Samax says he's read all three of Mike's SouthSide Nefertiti books and has seen his growth, especially since relinquishing drawing responsibilities and concentrating on the writing.
"every now and then, a book which started out as a good idea with not-so-great execution starts to catch up to its potential.Southside Nefertiti (Type Illy Press) is JUST such a book homie!! in its defense, i've been reading the adventures of single mom/college student/superhero Nefertiti Jones for some time now... and series creator Mike Sales is one hell of a great writer... but he also drew the book, which was holding his writing back. like many indie cats, his art was passionate and distinct, but not up to the level it would take to do his skillfull writing justice..."
Posted by
3:25 PM
peepsNet did not see this one coming, which makes it an extra delicious treat.
How better than to start off a new month than a little Nicole read?
Posted by
1:43 PM
Labels: nicole, san francisco chronicle
After turning in some fine work at MarketWatch, Katy is moving on.
She starts at Thompson in three weeks. Hey -- doesn't that mean she'll be working at Reuters again?
Posted by
1:44 PM
Labels: katy
Posted by
12:00 AM
Could be because peepsNet only just signed up for Type Illy email updates that I just got blasted with four (4) missives. Much of it has already been covered here, but here are some as-yet unreported tidbits:
"The CHARLOTTE ARTS FESTIVAL turned out to be the most succesful outing TYPE ILLY PRESS has ever had. Not only in terms sales, but also in solidifying a long term business strategy for independent comic creators (particularly of color)..."
"we did our HIGHEST first day sales numbers at the CHARLOTTE ARTS FESTIVAL, and we owe it all to the lovely parents and children who came out and dropped HEAVY support for SOUTHSIDE NEFERTITI. Parents looking to get their children reading took to the book, and young teens dug the hip hop angle. The incredible cover art by Randolph Williams caught eyes all weekend, and the story kept them reading."
"Everybody's experience is different, but the reaction to SOUTHSIDE NEFERTITI and the continual support reaffirms to me that there is a significant audience for high quality comics by independent creators and people of color. Not only that, but people of color will SUPPORT high quality comics if they are done well and if the story resonates with them. In one day, I moved more units at the CHARLOTTE ARTS FESTIVAL than I did in an entire weekend at WIZARD WORLD LA and mainstream comics shops put together.
And the Charlotte Arts Festival had a LOT FEWER people. Men lie, women lie, but numbers don't lie. (c) Jay Z And the numbers keep saying to me that people of color – ESPECIALLY PARENTS – are much hungrier for this particular TYPE ILLY comic than mainstream comics fans."
Posted by
9:36 PM
Labels: mike, publishing
OK -- basically we're just going to start phoning these in.
Samer blah blah blah DCist blah blah blah Morning Roundup blach blah blah featured photo.
Posted by
9:33 PM
More DCist love for Samer via The Weekly Feed: You're at Happy Hour Already Edition.
Is Samer getting any $$$ for these marvelous captures? Maybe he should be selling them. peepsNet just might suggest it and ask for a cut.
Posted by
3:24 PM
I think I am starting to understand the editorial policy at esteemed competitor DCist:
Well, if that isn't the way they work over there, it should be.
Samer's " P.E.P. CO." is the art on the Aug. 16 DCist story Manholes: The Other Great Enemy. It graces this article, too.
Hey, DCist -- we knew him first!
Posted by
12:16 AM
Labels: photography, samer
A profile of The Antidote Trust, the independent collective of which Mike is a member, is at Black Comic Book Blog. Peg is the Trust's showing at ComicCon.
Passage on Mike:
"Mike Sales— He’s a writer, he’s an artist and he’s publisher of quality Comics, so of course he’s Triathlon (Mike actually wears many more hats than those but Multiple Man didn’t quite fit the analogy). To be good at so many facets of the business and still be a team player is a super power all by itself."
Posted by
12:26 PM
Labels: mike, publishing
Long Q&A with Mike (and lots of pictures) at Pink Raygun.
This is a very in-depth interview with Mike. He talks at length about his business plan, marketing and team of artists.
Best for me was the explanation of his inspiration for Nefertiti Jones, Mike's single mom superhero.
Posted by
12:11 PM
Labels: mike, publishing
We don't know what part of this sentence we like better:
"Awesome last name recipient and New York Times contributor Nicole Spiridakis ..."
SFist has picked up on the awesomely last named awesome NYTimes article about an up-and-coming SF neighborhood and -- since all blogs are only about the blogger anyway -- the item became vitriol magnet for author Brock Keeling.
Our favorite, posted anonymously: "If you call the Western Addition, NOPA, you deserve the stabbing or shooting your stupid white ass will get." Ouch.
Posted by
7:16 PM
Labels: new york times, nicole, sfist
The embargo has been lifted, and with it, our spirits.
peepsNet is pleased to reveal that Nicole has crashed through the gates of that certain East Coast newspaper of record with an article about a cool, emerging neighborhood in that West Coast town where she insists she must live.
Sunday's New York Times -- Travel Section, page 4, as earlier alluded to -- carries Nicole's homage to NOPA -- "the name stands for “north of the Panhandle,” that sliver of green jutting east from Golden Gate Park — was once known mostly for low-income housing and random shootings," Nicole writes. "But an influx of attention-getting restaurants and boutiques in the last decade has made it one of the city's cooler destinations, even as it struggles to maintain its gritty individuality," she continues, mocking the inaccessibility of this budding paradise to we Right Coast denizens.
The story is already on the web (yes, that is about the 11th link to it in this pimping puff piece. You should be so lucky.) but we cannot wait to see it in print which, as any New York Times reader will tell you (assuming that Jane O’Shaughnessy speaks for us all), is all that really matters.
peepsNet takes special note of the special care the NYT gave Nicole's article, commissioning a lovely illustration by Jorge Columbo to which we have linked, the better to shore up the paper's sagging readership.
No charge, Gray Lady. A reciprocal link would be just fine.
Posted by
1:06 PM
Labels: new york times, nicole
I know you are all as upset as peepsNet is with the New York Times shrinking and all, but wait until Sunday before you give up on the Gray Lady.
Travel Section.
Page 4.
I'm just sayin'.
Posted by
3:27 PM
Labels: new york times, nicole
Nicole is at it again: tormenting all those SF renters who'd rather just like to kick back with an Anchor Steam and watch The Bionic Man set a home run record with even more ways to productively fill their down time.
Now it's indoor gardening. This, from a girl who lives five blocks from a farmer's market and is already booked solid through her 30th birthday (the planning for which has begun, I am sure).
Take a breather and stop making the rest of us look like lazy bums. We like the produce section at Ralphs. We consider vegetables optional anyway. Give us more stuff like you don't have to clean the place all the time. And since you're up, get us a beer.
Posted by
1:50 PM
More DCist love for Samer.
Of course, peepsNet will publish anything having to do with RFD.
Posted by
9:25 PM
Labels: dcist, photography, samer
Another DCist capture for Samer
"I'm sitting here catching up on some blogs and getting ready for work when this high pitched scream of airplane engines rattles my place. Instinctively, I knew it was either a B-52 or a few fighter jets, and I ran to grab my camera.
They were probably doing a fly over at Arlington National Cemetery, which is a mere 1.5 miles away. Sadly, it's a pretty regular occurrence, though normally it happens around 10a or later, when I'm not home."
Posted by
10:59 AM
Labels: dcist, photography, samer
She's at it again.
No, not squandering her feminist inheritance (well, maybe a little -- but it's worth it) but spreading a bit of renter wisdom in the pages of the Chron and its site.
We are looking forward to tear-inducing prose when Nicole goes to Greece later this month. Really. Expectations are high. Really high. And pictures -- we'll want lots of pictures.
Posted by
1:12 PM
Labels: nicole, san francisco chronicle
"got a piece of rather spectacular news the other day, but I'm going to hold on to it a bit until I have something more concrete to show for it."How spectacular, you ask?
"Needless to say, an already gold-star day of 80-degree temperatures here in San Francisco was elevated to new and glorious heights."Damn. That girl can write.
Posted by
10:31 PM
This April 3 shot, taken while Samer was in Toronto on business, gives him a breakthrough in the "ist" arms race: Samer, 2 (DCist, Torontoist), Nicole, 1 (SFist).
Fronted on Torontoist on June 12.
Posted by
8:20 AM
Labels: samer, torontoist
Another DCist credit for Samer.
Maybe he should be selling these? Blogging about his photographic experiences? Huh?
Posted by
10:20 AM
Katie's annual pilgrimage to Seville wasn't all play this year.
She was commissioned by the BBC to do a photo essay on Feria de Abril a week-long party that is said to attract a million people.
Posted by
4:43 PM
Labels: bbc, feria de abril, katie, spain
Samer again gets some DCist Picture of the Day love with this shot of a cool ale -- not too cool, peepsNet hopes.
He deserves recognition just for pausing long enough to take a picture of this thing of beauty, a mere millimeters away.
Are you one of those apartment dwellers who loves to give dinner parties but labors with a lousy oven? You are not alone. But you probably can't tell the tale as well as our Nicole, who lives to cook and bake. You have seen her blog, no?
Let's hope the folks over at Viking or Wolf put her out of her misery. She has people to feed -- lots of them.
Just thought of this: why doesn't the SFGate allow comments on stories? I think peepsNet will ask ...
Posted by
10:50 AM
We read her regularly of course but it's nice to know that SFist also knows what a super blog Nicole has going on over at cucina nicolina.
So, we have a coast-to-coast smackdown going on now between Samer, whose had a number of pictures published by DCist, and Nicole.
Who to root for. Decisions, decisions.
Posted by
10:37 AM
Another DCist credit for Samer
Posted by
7:02 AM
It will never get boring but it is nice to have Nicole's byline appearing in the San Francisco Chronicle becoming routine.
Posted by
9:44 PM
Labels: nicole, san francisco chronicle
Samer thinks he got really close to a lot of money today.
This automobile, if a genuine Ferrari 250 GTO would be one of fewer than 40 ever made.
I'm sure he still loves his VW very, very much.
Posted by
10:51 PM
We don't know whether to call him the "Odd God" or the "King of Odd" or our personal favorite -- Evil Prince Adobe -- but Bob has been interviewed by about (hey -- I wonder if that's why they bought that domain!) his blogging empire over at
For infrequent readers Bob blogs about the Oddly Enough news category he also edits, and the "Good, Bad and Ugly" section, which deals with reader feedback
Posted by
2:41 PM
Samer has compiled another stunning photo portfolio during his recent trip to Toronto.
The 74 images cover a wide range of subjects: buildings, architectural detail, people, shapes, colors. Oh yes -- there are the obligatory handful of shots involving drinking.
We don't know if Samer will write a guest column about his travels, and his comments on flickr are spare.
Of course, the pictures speak for themselves quite nicely.
Posted by
3:40 PM
Labels: photography, samer
Posted by
11:36 AM
Nicole's second article for the San Francisco Chronicle is in today's Home & Garden section.
The story behind the story is pretty interesting: Nic wrote this last Autumn.
Like a fine wine, The Chron will serve no story before its time.
Posted by
12:39 PM
Labels: chronicle, nicole, san francisco chronicle, writing
Samer is in Canada "for work and a little R&R." The work is at Reuters' Center of Excellence in Toronto.
He's agreed to consider becoming a guest columnist on peepsNet to detail his trip, which includes business at the place which made peepsNet possible (er, by being the location at which are located the offshored jobs of the people who used to work for me, whose privacy I continue to invade).
Hopes for any updates on a certain Martin fellow were dashed when peepsNet was informed that he was on vacation.
Excellent timing, Mr. Farha.
No pictures yet: it is Samer's custom to publish upon return. He thoughtfully posted this picture taken in an earlier trip to Toronto.
Posted by
5:41 PM